Why do men show depression and anxiety differently? Indeed, men and women are nothing alike. In terms of showing feelings of anxiety or depression, they react in many different ways. While a woman might cry or express nervousness or unrest, a man may react with anger, alcohol abuse, or even muscular aches and pains. Men with Depression and Anxiety are… Read More ›
Category Archives: Anxiety
Why do you over-apologize?
Why do you over-apologize? You catch yourself looking down at your phone while out to lunch with friends, “oops I am sorry,” you say, “I just needed to respond to this quick message.” Ok, you don’t need to apologize. You haven’t done anything wrong. You leave a friend’s party and start thinking about all the… Read More ›
Can Anxiety Make You Angry?
How true that anxiety can make you angry? Well, it happens to those of us with anxiety all the time. The little things that are part of our everyday environment set us over the edge. That feeling of not being able to see straight, or “seeing red” as it is sometimes referred to, can be… Read More ›
How Do You Calm Down (Fast!)
Those feelings of anger or anxiety are creeping up on you. You are “seeing red.” You feel like you are going to explode. What do you do? How can you calm yourself down fast and effectively? Count to 10 – Sometimes the secret is simply changing your focus. Counting to 10 does that. If you… Read More ›
Help yourself and your kids by managing anxiety
Anxiety is a very real thing that many of us face. It can be so easy to get overcome with emotions, feel overwhelmed by the day’s events, and get frustrated. Next thing you know you are lashing out at your children. Yelling at them for things that aren’t really their fault. We have all done… Read More ›
Motherhood and Alcoholism: When is it a problem?
Alcohol has widely become “part” of motherhood as odd as that may seem. Our culture is normalizing this practice and minimizing its potential impact on moms and their families. There are social media groups and websites like “mommy needs vodka,” and “moms who need wine.” As a mom myself it has become commonplace to hear… Read More ›
How to combat parental anxiety
Of course, you are going to worry if you are a parent. You are, after all, wearing your heart outside your body. Your kids are your world and it terrifies you that something could happen to them. But, what if you are one of those parents who is constantly terrified to the point where it… Read More ›
What to do when your family doesn’t believe in mental health
I hear the argument against counseling and mental health all the time. People say “my family doesn’t believe in mental health and say I don’t need to see a therapist.” They think it is “unnecessary,” or a “waste of time,” “useless,” etc. But, think about it this way — who do you talk to about… Read More ›
Connecting with loved ones at bedtime: It is good for your health
A healthy bedtime routine with the people we love can be a smart way to close off the day. To let go of stress, and rest peacefully. Whether it is cuddles with a child, a bedtime kiss, laughing and talking with a spouse, feeling physically or emotionally connected to those we love can decrease cortisone… Read More ›
The loneliness of being a perfectionist
It is hard to be perfect. In fact, it is impossible for everything we do to turn out exactly the way we want it to. It is impossible for everything to be perfect, leading to an immense and overwhelming sense of pressure for a perfectionist. Being a perfectionist means always striving to be the best… Read More ›