smartphone teen mental health

Mental Health: Teens and Smartphone

Nowadays, almost every teen you see has a smartphone of some kind, and they are damaging our children’s mental health. When we were teens we would leave school and actually leave. The day’s drama, while still on our minds for a short while, was left at our lockers. That doesn’t happen anymore—not with smartphones. Research… Read More ›

child bully

What to do if your child is being bullied?

Have you heard your child telling you that they are being bullied? Bullying has always been a very real problem for children, and with the advent of social media, the internet, and smartphones it is even more prevalent and hard to escape. Knowing your child is a victim of bullying is hard to swallow. You… Read More ›

toxic relationship

Are You In A Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship can happen to anyone. You fall in love with someone and things take a turn. It can be hard to recognize that you are in a toxic relationship simply because you don’t want to be. Your vision is clouded. You think “my relationship is just fine.” But, toxic relationships need your attention.… Read More ›


Stay-At-Home Moms Are Working Too

There was another post that caught my eye on social media the other day. It was a hand-written comparison list titled “Should Mothers Have Careers?” I have posted the image below so you can see it for yourself.  This list is vastly unfair and unrealistic. It is media like this that gives stay-at-home moms so… Read More ›

work identity

Why Being Yourself At Work Can Help You Get Ahead

It has long been thought that to succeed professionally, you need to blend into the culture of your workplace, you need to mute your differences and not “shake the pot,” especially as a woman or member of a minority group. But a recent article in the Harvard Business Review has revealed that there can also… Read More ›

kids meaning life

Should our kids really be the ‘meaning of life?’

The other day I ran across a post on Facebook that made me stop and think. The post was a picture of a mother and son holding hands and walking on the beach. The son asked his mom “what is the meaning of life,” and the mom replied, “you are.” It was shared more than… Read More ›

grief comes from love

Grief Comes From Love

The difference between grief and mourning. Grief and mourning are often used interchangeably. They are used to describe the same thing but they are actually very different from each other. Grief comes from love. It is internal. It is deep within you. Grief refers to the way you feel inside. Your thoughts, your feelings. That… Read More ›