You Can Create Your Happiness
How do you create your own happiness? As a society, we are always looking for that one thing that is going to make us happy. We think “if I lose those 10 pounds, I will be so much happier”; “if I buy the house”; “if I get the job”; etc. While achieving a goal or finally getting that thing we have wanted so bad will make us happy for a bit, that kind of happiness doesn’t last.
Real, long-lasting, true-to-yourself happiness is something we create. You have heard it before, and frankly, it’s true—you can choose happiness. But how?
The happiest of people have honed in on particular habits.
Here are a few to get you started on the road to a happier you:
1.) Slow down — Happy people slow down to appreciate the little moments in life. They take the moment to soak up the way their child laughs or talks, the smile on a significant other’s face, the laughter of a friend, the beauty of a clean home, a full fridge, or a beautiful sunrise.
2.) Exercise — Happy people are active. They get out there and get moving. Exercise leads to the release of the neurotransmitter GABA which helps to soothe the brain. It also leads to the release of feel-good hormones. It is a natural mood booster.
3.) Surround Yourself In Good Company — Getting rid of the toxic people in your life, and letting go of the ones who are always being negative can do wonders for your mood. So, surround yourself with positive people and your mood and outlook will follow.
4.) Spend Money On Others — Yes, it can be fun to buy yourself a new pair of shoes or splurge on a fancy vacation but it can feel even better to spend money on others. Treating a friend to dinner, surprise your sister with a coat she has had her eye on, donating meals to the homeless, buying an outfit for a child in need, and lifting others up feels good.
5.) Get Sleep — Sleep is so important for your mood. If you feel rundown and exhausted, everything is harder, it all takes more effort and you just don’t feel well. Get sleep and you will feel better and be healthier.
6.) Have a Growth Mindset — If you don’t believe you can change or grow as a person then you are stuck and stagnant in your life. If you have the mindset that you are a fluid human being, you can grow and change with time, then you believe change is possible. It is a much more positive outlook.
7.) Work At It— Being happy is not something that just comes to a person. It takes effort. A supremely happy person is checking in with themselves often. They make decisions based on their happiness levels. For example, they are exhausted from working hard at the office so they decide to take the night off and go to bed early. Or, they need a mood boost so they decide to hit the gym on the way home, or stop and watch the sunset.
Happiness is possible for everyone, no matter their life circumstances. It just takes some healthy habits and a healthy mindset. A licensed counselor can help you get there if you need some assistance.
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